Eternal salvation is the central theme of God's word, the Bible. Not only is the eternal salvation doctrine the central theme, it is the most important doctrine of all. Because of its truth, every person can know for sure where they will spend eternity.
This doctrine begins in the very first book of the Bible. The creation of Adam and Eve took place, and God placed them in the Garden of Eden. They were given free reign of the garden except for one thing. They were told not to eat the fruit of one specific tree. This was not something hard to remember. In fact it was easy.
One day, the devil, in the form of a very astute serpent, met Eve and spoke with her in the garden. Through a series of lies, the devil convinced Eve that there was no reason for her to obey God, and that eating of the forbidden fruit would not be a problem at all. Eve ate the fruit, and then gave it to Adam to eat as well. At this moment, sin entered into the world and everything changed.
From that very moment when sin entered the world, every person has been born a sinner. Because he is perfect, God does not allow sin in his presence. Therefore, no one can go to heaven on his own. No matter how hard a person works or tries to gain heaven, there are not enough good works to pay for the sin of even one person.
God knew that it would take a perfect sacrifice to save man from his sin. The only one who was perfect was Jesus. God loved mankind so much that he willingly sent his only son, Jesus, to die on the cross, and pay the sin debt of every man, woman and child.
When Jesus died on the cross and shed his blood for people who were lost spiritually in their sin, he paid for all of the sins of mankind: those in the past, present and future. When Jesus rose from the grave, God proved that the sin debt had been paid in full.
God wanted people to have a choice in their eternal destiny, so he made Jesus' death on the cross a gift to anyone who wanted to believe and receive it for himself. Those who believe God and receive this wonderful gift are promised eternal life in heaven when they die. Those who choose to live their lives without God and attempt to reach heaven on their own will ultimately fail and will spend eternity in hell, separated from God for all eternity.
The importance of this doctrine cannot be minimized. Jesus is the only one who can pay the sin debt for a person, and thereby, give him eternal life when he accepts God's perfect gift of salvation. When a person makes that decision in his life, his sin is washed away, his life is made new and he knows without a doubt that his sins have been forgiven. His soul is flooded with contentment, peace and joy.
This doctrine begins in the very first book of the Bible. The creation of Adam and Eve took place, and God placed them in the Garden of Eden. They were given free reign of the garden except for one thing. They were told not to eat the fruit of one specific tree. This was not something hard to remember. In fact it was easy.
One day, the devil, in the form of a very astute serpent, met Eve and spoke with her in the garden. Through a series of lies, the devil convinced Eve that there was no reason for her to obey God, and that eating of the forbidden fruit would not be a problem at all. Eve ate the fruit, and then gave it to Adam to eat as well. At this moment, sin entered into the world and everything changed.
From that very moment when sin entered the world, every person has been born a sinner. Because he is perfect, God does not allow sin in his presence. Therefore, no one can go to heaven on his own. No matter how hard a person works or tries to gain heaven, there are not enough good works to pay for the sin of even one person.
God knew that it would take a perfect sacrifice to save man from his sin. The only one who was perfect was Jesus. God loved mankind so much that he willingly sent his only son, Jesus, to die on the cross, and pay the sin debt of every man, woman and child.
When Jesus died on the cross and shed his blood for people who were lost spiritually in their sin, he paid for all of the sins of mankind: those in the past, present and future. When Jesus rose from the grave, God proved that the sin debt had been paid in full.
God wanted people to have a choice in their eternal destiny, so he made Jesus' death on the cross a gift to anyone who wanted to believe and receive it for himself. Those who believe God and receive this wonderful gift are promised eternal life in heaven when they die. Those who choose to live their lives without God and attempt to reach heaven on their own will ultimately fail and will spend eternity in hell, separated from God for all eternity.
The importance of this doctrine cannot be minimized. Jesus is the only one who can pay the sin debt for a person, and thereby, give him eternal life when he accepts God's perfect gift of salvation. When a person makes that decision in his life, his sin is washed away, his life is made new and he knows without a doubt that his sins have been forgiven. His soul is flooded with contentment, peace and joy.
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