Excellent Ways To Have Very Satisfying Sexual Love

By Mya Erwin

A premature ending to lovemaking due to the man's failure to control his desires is very irritating to a woman. No wonder that one of the most popular searches on the net is for techniques to stop a rapid climax! A fast finish to physical intimacy can deprive the woman of the emotional fulfilment which she feels from lovemaking. She may conclude that her partner either does not love her or that he is uncaring. And a man who reaches climax too soon may feel like he is a failure in bed.

This isn't constructive for the the man and woman concerned, particularly when the problem is never openly talked about. However, the shame and fear resulting from sexual problems is huge, and the man and woman often struggle on with this important subject continuing to erode trust and respect. So the question is, what can you change? The exciting thing is - you have the power to resolve this!

First, you should discuss it openly: this means you speak about how you feel. However, in reality our research proves as few as ten percent of couples talk to each other about sexual problems. So, to help you talk freely about sex, we have some tips to assist you:

1) Reveal your emotions - do not try the tactic of avoiding responsibility by blaming your spouse. Being able to listen openly without reacting emotionally means you'll get much less stress - and your partner is probably going to be a lot more willing and able to listen to you without getting angry.

2) Don't project your feelings - accepting that you are both responsible for any emotional distress in the relationship is necessary to eliminating mutual distrust. Only when you understand that your lover's emotions are a genuine reaction to the situation, and that they are entitled to feel that way, can you begin to see each other as you truly are.

3) Don't engage in self pity. Action is more constructive. This may mean getting the support of a counselor. Or it may mean strategies as basic as reserving a time slot each day to talk to your partner about what is "up" for you.

4) If you have challenges talking about difficulties with your love life consider what you want to raise beforehand. Knowing your position is essential in achieving the respect of your lover. It's also important to know your limits in any debate about sex. That way you are be much more likely to achieve your goals.

5) Be clear about what you want. It's often challenging to work out what's causing the things we feel, and it's likely you may only fully realize the real issue as you discuss the problem. And, if you are certain what you would like to change, you are much more likely to get it. The more honestly you show yourself, the more honestly you talk about how you feel, the more intimate you will feel in your relationship.

Secondly, work as a couple on a practical self-help treatment program for treating male sexual problems. There are a lot to choose from on the internet and a rapid search will be enough to find one that works for you and your partner. The essential characteristics you ought to look for are: honest testimonials, a full money-back guarantee, and a reputable author. I have shown in over 10 years' work men with sexual problems that self-help treatment programs are just as effective as face to face counseling for almost all men, if they are extremely motivated to up their sexual performance.

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