Will The Antichrist Be A Muslim?

By Annabelle Holman

From the traditional viewpoint the fake messiah has been believed to be a European. Claims have also been emerging of the future false messiah being Islamic. Arguments and discussions have always been brought forth among various religious platforms concerning the coming of a future Antichrist. Will the Antichrist be a Muslim? We discuss these claims with pieces of evidence brought forth by teachings from both Islam and Christianity on the end times

According to a section of Islamic community, the Shiite, who are highly populated in Iraq, believe that there have been twelve prophets who came after Prophet Mohamed. The prophets who are referred to as Imams are the spiritual leaders of the Islamic community. The twelfth Imam was called Muhammad Al Mahdi born around 868, who entered a cave while aged six years to hide from a time where persecution was rampant and will return from the cave just before the judgment day.

A section of researchers debate that the foretold false messiah will be a Muslim. In the book of Micah, a prophecy, where Assyria is invades the nation of Israel. The scholars furthermore refer to book of Daniel where he refers to false messiah resembling a leopard possessing the feet of a bear and mouth that resembles that of a lion. In the bible, Daniel does interpret the Medo-Persian Empire as a leopard.

Other Bible Scholars refer to the book of Daniel where he describes a vision about a succession of empires. Daniel describes a ram representing the Medo-Persian Empire which is trampled by a goat which had a unique horn between its eyes. They all are in agreement that the horn represents Antiochus Epiphanes who arose out of the Seleucid section of Alexanders empire.

With all this arguments brought forth, there is a section that argues that he will not be from the Islamic community. In book of Daniel, he prophesies that Antichrist will forge a peace agreement with the nation of Israel for a period of seven years. Daniel foretells that the fake messiah will rebuild the temple. The fake messiah can not be Muslim due to the hostility that has always existed among Christian and Muslims.

More evidence further claims that due to geographical location the fake messiah wont hail from the Islam community. Different facts point that the new Roman Empire will be among the old nations of the Roman Empire. These countries consist of some parts of Europe and North Africa. It is this fact that leads to argument that it has always been Europeans who have always led the Roman Empire rather than Muslims.

Additional evidence indicates that the Assyrian nation mentioned in the book of Micah was not referring to the Antichrist. The Assyrian nation that was mentioned in the book of Micah was Israel enemy nation at the moment and that God had promised to protect Israel from all enemies both within and out of Israel.

Also the Assyrians are mostly Christians further countering the implication of a Muslim Antichrist. Huge populations of Assyrians are mostly found in the countries of Syria, Iraq and Turkey. Even with them living in Islamic nations they are mostly Christians. This further reduces the claims of the false messiah being a Muslim.

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