Modern medicine is not the only therapy for sick people. Alternative distance healing refers to a type of therapy whereby a patient is treated without being at close proximity to the healer. Believers say that the therapy is not an act but indeed a process. Distance healing treats diseases of the mind, spirit and also of the body. Through this therapy, the body is released paving way for self cure. It induces relaxation, rejuvenation, change of attitude and provides the patient with control of life.
Distance healing sends treatment to friends, family and strangers who are not near. The therapist does not have to know the problem for it to work. The therapy can be carried out over the telephone to people who are miles away. It may also be carried out with the patient in close proximity to the healer. You can learn how to heal over a distance. This will not only help your friends and family but also victims of disasters or even a sick person in an ambulance.
To start with you need to be healing conscious. This means have a deep desire to heal people of their problems. Secondly, understand the energy centers of people. Human beings have an energy body around them called an aura. There are also energy centers called chakras and energy pathways called meridians. The auras take the energy in the centers, chakras break down the energy and then the pathways distribute it.
When you understand this it is now time to act. Look for a place that is quiet and take in deep breaths to relax. As you continue to breathe imagine the person you want to send treatment to. Imagine you are holding their hands and feel the energy running through your body. Then have your hands up with the palms facing outwards and stay still.
Concentrate and focus till you are able to see a white light flow from the heart and hands. Pray to God to help you channel the healing to the sick person. Once you feel or see the energy flow, say the name of the patient out aloud. This gives a chance for the energy to flow to the other person from you and balance the person aura. This energy flow is reflected towards their body. Once complete pray again to the creator to thank Him for using you. Then place the right hand over your left hand and make the sign of detachment to get out of the ritual.
Distant healers have a code of conduct that guides them to perform the therapy with professionalism. It also gives standards to prospective clients. Besides, it advocates for responsibility, discretion and honesty. In addition, healers are also expected to follow laws set by the authorities.
Some healers charge for their services others do not. After a session, the results usually are not immediate. They are gradual or may suddenly happen after some days. It is difficult to tell the number of sessions a patient requires. However, it is prudent to attend several of them to benefit fully.
This therapy is not exclusive; patients are encouraged to visit a formal doctor before contacting a healer. Do not forgo your doctor, this is a complementing therapy to your treatment and healers strongly suggest on this. Ensure that your healer is professional, licensed or recognized.
Distance healing sends treatment to friends, family and strangers who are not near. The therapist does not have to know the problem for it to work. The therapy can be carried out over the telephone to people who are miles away. It may also be carried out with the patient in close proximity to the healer. You can learn how to heal over a distance. This will not only help your friends and family but also victims of disasters or even a sick person in an ambulance.
To start with you need to be healing conscious. This means have a deep desire to heal people of their problems. Secondly, understand the energy centers of people. Human beings have an energy body around them called an aura. There are also energy centers called chakras and energy pathways called meridians. The auras take the energy in the centers, chakras break down the energy and then the pathways distribute it.
When you understand this it is now time to act. Look for a place that is quiet and take in deep breaths to relax. As you continue to breathe imagine the person you want to send treatment to. Imagine you are holding their hands and feel the energy running through your body. Then have your hands up with the palms facing outwards and stay still.
Concentrate and focus till you are able to see a white light flow from the heart and hands. Pray to God to help you channel the healing to the sick person. Once you feel or see the energy flow, say the name of the patient out aloud. This gives a chance for the energy to flow to the other person from you and balance the person aura. This energy flow is reflected towards their body. Once complete pray again to the creator to thank Him for using you. Then place the right hand over your left hand and make the sign of detachment to get out of the ritual.
Distant healers have a code of conduct that guides them to perform the therapy with professionalism. It also gives standards to prospective clients. Besides, it advocates for responsibility, discretion and honesty. In addition, healers are also expected to follow laws set by the authorities.
Some healers charge for their services others do not. After a session, the results usually are not immediate. They are gradual or may suddenly happen after some days. It is difficult to tell the number of sessions a patient requires. However, it is prudent to attend several of them to benefit fully.
This therapy is not exclusive; patients are encouraged to visit a formal doctor before contacting a healer. Do not forgo your doctor, this is a complementing therapy to your treatment and healers strongly suggest on this. Ensure that your healer is professional, licensed or recognized.
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