How To Talk To Women And Making Easy Conversation With A Woman

By Marinda Kleijweg

Even if you find it very difficult to make conversation with a woman you like, you can find a way to get better at it and to feel a lot more comfortable talking to a woman you are attracted to. Far too often, guys will allow the fact that they feel awkward talking to a woman keep them from approaching women that they would like to be able to get to know better or take out on a date. You don't want to have to go through that, because you know that if you don't find a way to have an easy time talking to women, the dating game is always going to seem hard to you and it really doesn't have to be that way at all.

The moment that you begin to think of her as being someone you really want to get with, you are going to feel a lot of pressure that just doesn't have to be there. If you can trick your mind into feeling like you really don't feel that attracted to her, you'll feel a ton of that pressure come off and that alone can make it seem a lot easier to talk to a woman.

I'd finally get past my approach anxiety and start talking with a woman. - "Hey, my name is Carlos..." And after I got the conversation started - WHAM. I'd get nervous when I couldn't remember any of the stuff I'd memorized. - Do I say that thing about "who lies more"? Or do I tease her? What was that great teasing line I thought of the other day...? I mean, I thought I knew it cold when I left the house, but between then and now I totally lost it. And I'd stand there like a deer in the headlights, no idea what to say to her.How to talk to women You thought you were all prepared after reading all my cool advice and tips, but now you're sitting in that uncomfortable silence while she stares at you, waiting for SOMETHING to come out of your mouth.

Finally she says, "Uh, I gotta get back to my friends..." And then, as she's walking away, and you're kicking yourself... You suddenly come up with the PERFECT thing you should have said. Too late.Here's a technique I used to use to make sure I was really prepared to USE all the cool stuff I had memorized when learning how to talk to women. I'm not advising you to learn and rehearse someone else's words! You should ONLY be coming up with things of your own that are TRUE to talk with women about. No fake stories or lying. You don't need to make stuff up or use someone else's words to be interesting to women.

"It's not so much what he talks about," Angelica continued. She was hot and she knew it, but she was really down to earth, not as rare a find in Los Angeles if you know where and how to look, but I digress. "It's important to me that he's comfortable in his own skin and that he has his own mind. I don't want a guy agreeing with me just for the sake of agreeing with me.

Body language is something that we don't really put too much thought into most of the time. It's something that we just subconsciously do, the way that we stand or the way that we hold ourselves. Yet, that is another way that you can either send out a good vibe or a bad vibe. Let me tell you, most men send out bad vibes just from their body language.

If you want to learn how to talk to women then you should pay very close attention to the conversation I just had with Angelica. She gave us all real insight into what women are looking for when men walk up to them. But there's also a lot she left out and I'm going to fill in some of that gap. Most attractive women are attention seekers.

They seek validation, some seek to have their egos strokes, and some of them actually want to genuinely someone that they feel they can connect with. It's far easier than you think, but first you have to unlearn what you have learned (I think I heard that in some movie somewhere).

How to speak with women I would cram all my notes on a piece of paper with facts, writing stuff everywhere, and in every direction. On the margins, sideways, whatever. Then, when it came time to study for a test on dates and names and memorized facts, I would just sit down with the page and cover up sections with my hand and try to recall the information.Well, we all did this in some way or another with our notes. What you don't realize is that you weren't learning the information as much as you were learning WHERE that information was on the paper. You got locked into recalling the information based on WHERE it was, not WHAT it was. So when you get a fact or information that you can't see on a piece of paper, you would forget it fast. (Which it's so easy to forget names. We're not paying attention to it enough the first time, and there's nothing to anchor it in our heads.)

That's right, it wasn't the information you were learning as much as giving your brain a LOCATION for that information. It's called "spatial relationship," and it's how your mind stores information. It's more important to give a RELATIONSHIP to the information to make it stick. Like right now, if you close your eyes, chances are you can recall where almost everything is in your bedroom, or another room in your apartment that you are very familiar with.So here's how you use this "Situational Rehearsal" technique. It's based on the way your brain really learns. And you'll get at least 10 times better retention and recall of information if you use it... In my previous example, you came up with a great way to talk about photography, your passion. And you came up with a great way to actually SAY it to a woman. You may even have some of my "Power Questions" that you want to memorize to use.

It really is all in your head. Talking to women is as easy as talking to a kid, your friend, or that nice senior citizen. Once I stopped buying into some of societies ridiculous beliefs, such as a really attractive person is better than someone who is not (who judges this anyway?) or that a stranger can actually reject you, then I started having less fear and taking more action.

When a conversation is too boring or too mundane, there is little chance that you are really going to be able to spark some attraction, which is necessary if you are going to be able to get a date with her. Being able to take the conversation in a direction so that it becomes flirtatious is something that you need to be able to do. If you can't flirt, then you have to learn how to because flirting is a necessary skill that you need to have when you make conversation with a woman.

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