How Do I Make Her Want Me Again? 

                                                              3 Things That You Have to Do

Here are three things that you have to do if you want her to want you again:

1. You have to make her feel like she is not being forced to get back together with you.
Some guys get this wrong without even meaning to make their ex girlfriend feel like they are trying to force her to come back. What they do is, they end up making her feel like they are laying on the guilt trip really thick and when you do that, it IS going to make her feel like you are trying to force her to come back to you. Lay off of the guilt trips, because guilt doesn't work so well if you want to make an ex girlfriend want to be with you again.

2. You have to find a way to give her the feeling like love is in the air when she is around you.
You know that feeling when you first met your girlfriend and you knew that there was a feeling of love in the air when you and her were together? That kind of feeling is hard to resist and that is exactly the feeling that you want to give your ex girlfriend when she is around you. If she feels that way, getting her back is going to be so much easier than you ever imagined it would be.

3. You have to be able to give her space when she needs it.
Your ex girlfriend is probably going to go through moments where it seems like she is pulling back from you even if you are doing everything the way that you should be to win her back. When that happens, you need to give her space so that she feels like she is being allowed to be independent of you.

                                           Love Heals Your Heart

We now enter into the realm of religious belief. I will include Buddhism; although I do not believe it is a religion but more of a philosophy; however the philosophy of Love and Healing in Buddhism is very similar to that of the world's major religions. Buddhism teaches love as one of the four immeasurables along with compassion, joy and equanimity. I would argue that compassion, joy and equanimity are expressions of love as well. The importance of love is expressed in a quote by the XIV Dalia Lama, "Compassion and love are not mere luxuries. As the source of both inner and external peace, they are fundamental to the continued survival of our species."

Hinduism, Islam and Christianity holds love as a pivotal part of the religion, something too often overruled by the wants or goals of a specific group or church. Hinduism, as part of the five principles, states, "All human beings are divine" and "Unity of existence through love" shows the importance of love to the religion. Islam relates that Allah or God's love embraces all things. Christianity holds that God is love.

If you desired to study more religions throughout the world, throughout human history, you will find that the ideal of Love and Divinity are very similar regardless of time era and location.

Although we were speaking of healing modalities, it is important to include love because without love-love of one's self, love of others-healing is not possible. Each of the religions and philosophies stated above embrace love of not only the individual but of the collective whole as well as the power of this same love in the healing process.

 Roughly stated, all the different modalities, through love, channel divine energy into the person or group that comes from spirit, God, Allah, Universe, which happens when the person or group opens up to the healing by confessing (or examining) their past wounds and accepting the healing energy (or Jesus, God, Allah) into themselves. Embracing self love, opening the past up to heal old wounds, believing they are worthy to be healed and allowing the divine energy to flow. The name applied to the healing modality or religious belief or philosophies are less important than the purity of the steps taken during the healing process.

If you take the time to study the many religions, philosophies, rituals regarding healing you will find that they are not so very different from each other; and you will discover that love and equality of life are at the forefront of all religious pursuits that have been corrupted by the ego of humans.

                 Just Because You Love Your Ex Girlfriend

Getting a little does of reality can be a good thing every now and again, especially when dealing with issues relating to relationships. It can be hard to imagine, but just because you feel like you love your ex girlfriend, it doesn't mean that she is going to come back to you. It's easy to feel like she should do that, because you probably assume that all she wants to know is that you still love her. However, as many guys find out, just letting their ex girlfriend know that they are still in love with her is in no way a guarantee that she is going to come back to them.
You have to do more than just admit to the fact that you still have love for your ex girlfriend if you want to win her back. You have to influence her on an emotional level and that isn't probably going to happen just because you feel like you still have love for your ex girlfriend.

Here are some tips on what you can do so that you DO end up back with her:

1. The first thing that you need to realize is that the feelings cannot be just on your side of the coin, she has to feel the same way.

When you feel like you want your ex girlfriend to come back, it's easy to feel like that should be more than enough and forget about the fact that it has to flow both ways. She has to feel just as strongly about you as you do about her. When love is one sided, it doesn't make for a situation where a relationship is going to work.

2. Giving her the impression that you are obsessed with her is NOT a good thing.

This is a mistake that is often made when a guy feels like he still is hopelessly in love with an ex girlfriend. He'll end up giving her the impression that he is pretty much obsessed with her and that ends up being a big red flag in her book signaling that you might not be the right guy for her to be with. Letting her know that you still think about her is a good thing, making it seem like an obsession is not a good thing.
When you really feel like you still love someone, you want to let them know and you want to hear them say that they feel the same way. However, before you tell your ex girlfriend that you feel that way, you have to bring her back to the point where she DOES feel the same way. That is going to be what helps you to win her back in the end.

                                  The Seven Dimensions of Love


 Love is the most beautiful reality of this world. It pervades the world like God. It is most difficult to \"define\" love but the easiest to \"know\". All of us know what love is. Even an animal know what love is. Love is, therefore, the matter of realization and the knowledge of the love is knowledge of the universe. St. Kabir, the famous Sufi poet said,

    Many people died Reading Scriptures,
    Yet they failed to become wise,
    One who understood the meaning of \"Love\",
    Is the Only man to be Wise.

Love is, therefore, not merely an emotion but also the most profound knowledge that a man can expect to know. Once we know love, nothing else is left unknown. Yet there is nothing mysterious or complex about love as even the most innocent person \"knows\" it without reading a single book.

The knowledge of love requires not only the application of mind but also the heart, the soul and the intuition.

The complexity of love is due to the fact that love has multiple dimensions. It is like a living being consisting of many body parts. These limbs are interconnected with each other in such a way that they complement each other. They all are important and integral part of the being as a person becomes lame even if one part of the body goes missing.


Love is manifested in seven different forms. It is like a white beam of light which hides in it the spectrum of seven colors. If even color is one is missing, love is incomplete. These seven dimensions are described as following.

1. Love is Sensual

The most primary dimension of love is the body which leads to the satisfaction of senses. You can not love someone who can not be seen or imagined. Sensual love is so important in love that often people use the word \"love\" interchangeably with \"lust\" which seeks sexual gratification. Though, lust has been believed by many as the lowest manifestation of love, yet the sensuality has been a necessary ingredient in love. For example, Sufis developed their love for God by the means of sensuality. They imagined God as male (or female) and themselves as their beloved. The root of Idolatry too lies in the need of the man to develop an emotional and sensual attachment with God. The religions that ignored the physical dimensions of love, often made their followers heartless and ruthless. The people who ignored the physical dimension of love often fail to find love at all in their life.

2. Love is Compassion

Aristotle said \"Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.\" It is perhaps the simplest definition of love. When a person loves another person, he shares the pains and happiness of the person as if they share the same soul. This is called compassion which is defined as \"a deep awareness of and sympathy for another\'s suffering\". A mother who loves he child can not bear the pain of her child and even give her own life, if that is helpful in reducing the pain of her child. Often people feel possessive about their love as they want to avoid any pain to their loved one.

3. Love is Care

Love is not merely an emotion that joins the people. When you love a person, you do everything to make the your beloved happy as in her happiness lies your happiness. The distinction of bodies disappear for the people in love. Love without action has no meaning as illustrated in this beautiful poem \"Which Loved Best?\" by Joy Allison.

    \"I love you. Mother,\" said little John;
    Then, forgetting his work, his cap went on,
    And he was off to the garden swing,
    And left her the water and wood to bring.
    \"I love you Mother,\" said Rosy Nell-
    \"I love you better than tongues can tell\";
    Then she teased and pouted full half the day,
    Till her mother rejoiced when she went to play.
    \"I love you Mother,\" said little Fan;
    \"Today I\'ll help you all I can;
    How glad I am that school doesn\'t keep!\"
    So she rocked the babe till it fell asleep.
    Then, stepping softly, she fetched the broom,
    And swept the floor and tidied the room;
    Busy and happy all day was she,
    Helpful and happy as child could be.
    \"I love you Mother,\" again they said,
    Three little children going to bed;
    How do you think that mother guessed?
    Which one of them really loved her best?

If love does not lead to positive action of caring, it can\'t be love. It is for this reason that all religion asked the followers to do charitable work for the benefit of the poor as only by positive action God can be pleased and love to God is manifested.

4. Love is Sharing

Love is not merely the sharing of the soul but also the sharing of the worldly things. A family is a typical unit of love where everyone shares everything with others. They share the house, their belongings, their furniture and everything that is there in the house. Everything belongs to everyone in the family. The distinction of mine versus them disappears for the people in love. If you are not willing to share your most valuable thing to your beloved, you surely do not love that person. A man who loves God always considers everything belonging to God. Hence he would have no attachment with any of the material goods. He, therefore, have no hesitation in giving his goods to others. One who accumulates wealth or remain attached with the wealth can not love. Similarly, one who does not wish to share his wealth with the people whom he loves does not love in reality.

5. Love is Trust

Trust is the most important in love. How can you distrust a person who shares your own soul? When trust is missing, love can not endure. When you love, you put your complete trust of faith in your believed. Without trust love is not possible as trust is the test of love. It is easy to say that you love someone or to say that you are like two bodies and one soul. Yet it is not easy to pose complete trust in your beloved. When a man loves God, he poses full trust in God which is called faith. When you love your child, you trust him completely. The importance of trust in love is said beautifully in the poem \"Trust\" by Malcolm Coleman

    Fragile as a lily,
    it cements relationships.
    Without it there can be no meaning
    to the words, \"I Love You\",
    without it all things fail,
    and happiness is eroded.

    As the trees in autumn
    lose their leaves,
    so I lose life
    if trusted I am not.
    I must be trusted,
    for trust builds hope, and love.

    Trust brings to all things
    a wholeness that is sublime,
    and which cannot be explained.
    My complete soul screams with fear
    if I am not believed.
    If I am not trusted,
    what can I do?

6. Love is Reverence

The material world has created hierarchies as every material thing has a beginning and an end and everything is measurable. Hence everything is bigger or smaller than other in some measurable criterion. However, soul is eternal and has no beginning or end. We often respect the people who or older or more knowledgeable than us in the world. Yet all men are spiritually same as everyone has the same soul. Yet each soul is manifested in this world as a different being. Since everyone has been designed for a difference purpose, hence everyone is superior to others in some respect. A young child is superior to adult in many ways. Jesus taught,

    \"Unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven\" (Matthew 18:3).

Thus when you love a person, you also respect him or her for what he or she is. In India when two people meet, they greet each other by calling folding their hand and calling the word \"Namaste\". The word Namaste consists of two Sanskrit words - namah + te - meaning \" I bow to that (divinity or soul) inherent in you.\"

If you love your child, you respect him as a person for what he is as you see many good qualities in the child which must be respected. If you do not respect another person it simple means that you do not consider that person better than you in any respect. How can you love such a person who is inferior to you in every respect?

The reverence in the highest form takes the form of worship. People, who love God, therefore worship God as they consider God to be the highest form of the Soul who is Supreme in all respect.

7. Love is Friendship

When the souls of the lovers are one, how can their minds be different? The sharing of mind or thought is called friendship. Aristotle said,

    \"Without friends no one would choose to live, though he had all other goods.\"

Friendship is another important dimension of love. Just like one can rely on friends in the hour of need, same is true with love. Love is not sustainable without the meeting of mind. Even a religious person, who loves God, actually develops a sort of friendship with God. He can communicate with God and understand His thoughts. A man in love with his beloved knows her thoughts effortlessly. If you love your child, you are also his or her best friend. When you talk to a child, you automatically use his language, style and language to communicate. You play with him like a child. Friendship transforms you from an adult to a child. The children who love their parents are never awed by their greatness or meanness as they find them at the same level as themselves. Thus friendship is always present between people who love.

What is Love without All the Dimensions

Most people make mistake in their understanding of love. A man and woman may think that love is nothing but physical attraction. Yet such love does not sustain unless it is complete with its entire dimension. Therefore, the love based on mere physical attraction does not last long unless it is filled with compassion, respect, trust, caring, sharing and friendship. Love to God is no exception. God can not be found merely by praying or following the rituals. One has to also have compassion with God and develop friendship with Him by knowing His mind. A lover of God must care and share His creations by doing charities and doing good for other people in the world who are all children of God. Love is therefore, rightly described as the greatest knowledge of the world as it is the means as well as the end of everything that one want to learn, feel and know.

Why Love.....?

For all of you familiar with the dating market, you may realize that it is currently filled with multiple companies. There are hundreds of products out there along with various dating coaches you can get training from. With so many dating companies out there, which one is best for you? To be honest, it is hard to crown one of these companies as the greatest because they all truly can help enhance your dating life. Love Systems does however hold an advantage among other dating companies.

Love Systems may be the most well-known name on the dating market. They have been featured on national television for their work. Their success rate has backed up their elite reputation, so you can\'t go wrong when dealing with the company. You get the option of getting a full refund if you are not satisfied with your product or your coaching. They are that good and you won\'t be disappointed.

The one great feature I noticed about Love Systems that seems to separate themselves from all the other companies is their ability to adapt to any customer. All of the dating coaches are DIFFERENT. They don\'t all follow the same exact set of rules or methods. This is so crucial for their market because they can satisfy any customer. I have been to multiple Love Systems bootcamps and I was in a class with so many different types of people. Some were short, some lacked confidence, and others lacked speaking skills. Some liked being forward with women, while others preferred easing into conversation. All of them left the bootcamp a changed man. Every single dating coach has an answer to any question you can think of. There is a reason no one ever requests a refund.

If you are going to attend a Love Systems bootcamp, I suggest doing research on all of their dating coaches. You will get to learn all of their styles and see which one suits you best. You can also talk to their department when booking a bootcamp and they will help you select an instructor. You can tell them exactly what you are trying to gain out of the bootcamp and Love Systems will choose the best instructor for you. Overall, you can\'t go wrong.

Love Systems has separated themselves as one of the best dating companies on the market. Their ability to accommodate all types of people has helped establish the company as perhaps the top dating company. To be honest, a majority of the dating companies on the market are amazing, and they WILL change your dating life for the better. But if you are unsure of what you want, or have specific goals with women, Love Systems may be the first company you contact.

I am Max Rayburn, writer for Dating Products Review. We have used and reviewed some of the best and worst dating products on the market.

Love Systems can adapt to any of your needs. Magic Bullets is their top product that has helped change the lives of men all around the world.

              Flowers That Stand For Passionate Love

If you wish to express your profound love for someone, have you ever wondered what the best way to do it is? Since ages man has taken the help of flowers and gifts to express their heartfelt emotions and affection to the women they desire. Although women love all types of flowers that are bright colored and fragrant, when you wish to express your love it is important that you choose the right flowers that convey the right meanings associated with love and affection. In this article we have mentioned the names and significance of the flowers that symbolize passionate love.

The first and most important of all flowers that symbolize love are the red roses. There is absolutely no comparison for the classic red roses that stand for passionate love and affection between two people. As a result, these beautiful flowers are popular choices for anniversaries, Valentine\\\'s Day and other occasions when you want to declare your love for your wife or girlfriend. When you give someone a single red rose or a beautiful bunch of red roses, it means that you are completely smitten by their love.

The white and red carnations also symbolize passionate love. The red carnations stand for profound love while the white counterparts stand for dedication and devotion in love. You may buy for your lover a wonderful bunch of red or white carnations to express how you feel for him or her. Another amazing benefit of choosing this floral option is that they are considerably affordable and you can easily buy a complete bunch.

Tulips are important varieties of flowers that we cannot miss out while discussing blossoms that express feelings of love and romantic emotions. The red colored tulips stand for undying love that has no boundaries to limit the emotions; while the yellow colored tulips symbolize hopeless love, and this is what make them a bitter-sweet flower. When you give yellow tulips to someone, it shows that you love that person without any conditions and even though the feelings are not the same on the other side. If you love someone from the bottom of your heart without any conditions and without worrying whether or not they love you back, you may consider sending them tulips.

When young lovers are concerned, primrose is the perfect flower you can use to convey your emotions perfectly. These flowers symbolize the sweet innocence that is characteristic of this age, and the pure romantic feelings that people develop at a tender age. Impress your teenage girlfriend by giving her a primrose or get her a pot of this plant so that she can keep it at home and look at it daily.

All these flowers are the perfect medium to help you express your passionate love for someone special but remember that more than the choice of flowers, your feelings matter most. So, add a nice note with the flower or bunch of flowers to impress your lady love and tell her how much she means to you.
On Time
by John Milton

Fly, envious Time, till thou run out thy race,
Call on the lazy leaden-stepping hours,
Whose speed is but the heavy Plummets' pace;
And glut thyself with what thy womb devours,
Which is no more than what is false and vain,
And merely mortal dross;
So little is our loss,
So little is thy gain.
For when as each thing bad thou hast entomb'd,
And last of all, thy greedy self consum'd,
Then long Eternity shall greet our bliss
With an individual kiss;
And Joy shall overtake us as a flood,
When every thing that is sincerely good
And perfectly divine,
With Truth, and Peace, and Love shall ever shine
About the supreme Throne
Of Him, t'whose happy-making sight alone,
When once our heav'nly-guided soul shall climb,
Then all this earthly grossness quit,
Attir'd with Stars, we shall for ever sit,
Triumphing over Death, and Chance, and thee O Time

 love and Stubbornness

There was an island where all the feelings lived together ...
And one day a severe storm hit the island
All the feelings were very scared ..
Except for Love was busy making a boat to escape ..
And after the completion of the boat-making ..
All the feelings stepped on board except one ..
 ..  was \\\\\\\"stubbornness\\\\\\\"
Try  love to save him again and again ..
However, stubbornness did not move in time when the water rises more and more ..
Everyone asked love to climb the boat and leave the stubborn ..
But love creating for loveing ...
In the end all the feelings fled ..
But love died with stubbornness ..
\"So stubbrness kills Love Always
If we not delete him of the list of feelings ...??
Bury him before  the journey of love ..
love will be died ,
 let stubbornness those who are not looking for love ...!!

                                         Saying "I love you" isn't.........?

Saying "I love you" isn't the only way to let someone know how you feel. Here are some verbal and non-verbal ways to express your feelings.

Verbal Expressions
 Pay him or her a compliment. A sincere compliment from the heart can be a subtle way of letting your loved one know how much you admire him or her. Pick out a nice physical feature (eyes and smile are always solid choices), personality trait or action to highlight. Whatever you choose, it should be something that makes the recipient feel happy and worthy
 Express consideration. Part of loving someone is wanting what's best for him or her. You can highlight this attitude by asking after your loved one's welfare. For instance, if you know he or she had a hard day yesterday, quietly ask how today is going. If you're running an errand, ask if you can pick up anything for your loved one while you're out. If he or she is facing a particularly difficult situation, communicate that you'd be glad to help out in anyway you can. Using your words to show how much you care can go a long way.

Say "I love you". While you don't necessarily have to do this, it is the clearest way of communicating that you love someone. Here are some tips on making the experience more meaningful:
  • Do it in person. Telling someone you love them over text, email or IM doesn't have the same impact as actually saying it out loud. If you can't handle being in that person's presence as you say it, do it over the phone.
  • Manage your expectations. Don't let the experience hinge on whether or not the other person says it back. You should be saying it because you want to let him or her know how you feel, not because you need validation or expect something in return. Focus on being happy that you're able to express your feelings and make someone else feel admired.
  • Pick the right time. Ideally, the moment that you tell someone you love them should be intimate and free of interruption. Pick a setting in which you can express yourself without feeling embarrassed or worried about someone else intruding.
  • Keep the conversation low-pressure. Some people might see an "I love you" as indicating a higher level of commitment. Don't automatically assume the other person is ready to take the relationship to a closer level. Instead, preface your words by saying that you're not asking for anything in return and that you don't want the other person to feel pressured. This will help him or her enjoy the moment without worrying about what might be coming next.
  • Maintain eye contact. It might seem terrifying to look into his or her eyes while you spill your guts, but try to do it. It will make you seem more honest and sincere, as well as enhancing the closeness of the moment.
  • Don't allow an awkward silence. If the person you adore is quiet after your confession, find a way to start up normal conversation again. Say something like, "You don't have to say anything back. I'm just happy I could let you know how I feel" and carry on as usual. If a reply is coming, it will happen in its own time.

Non Verbal Expressions

Write a nice letter. You don't have to explicitly write "I love you" in the note, but you can outline the things you admire about the other person. A lot of people prefer to write down their feelings because it allows you time to revise your words so that they're just right.
  • If possible, write your feelings down with a pen and paper instead of on a computer. Your unique handwriting adds a personal touch to the letter, and he or she might like to have a physical object that represents your feelings.
  • Before you start, write a small brainstorm of all the things you like or admire about him or her. Note close experiences you've shared, or things that remind you of the other person.
  • Grab a good sheet of paper. If you don't have stationary lying around, use copy paper - it will look neater than note paper.
Make eye contact. Whenever you can, meet the other person's eyes. Don't stare after him or her constantly, but do allow yourself to be caught looking at his or her face once in a while. When you've been detected, smile a little bit and hold the gaze for another second before looking away.
Show your feelings through your actions. Non-verbal cues can count for a lot, and allow someone to see how you feel without putting yourself out there too much. Here are some possibilities:
  • Smile. The best thing you can do is also the easiest - throw your loved one a sincere smile whenever you can. Whenever you do, try to hold his or her eyes for slightly longer than a second.
  • Make your body language seem receptive. A side effect of being nervous around this person might be that your body language seems closed off or unapproachable. Try to reverse this by keeping your arms unfolded, and your arms loose at your sides or clasped behind your back. Turn your body toward the other person when you're talking to them, including your feet. Incline your head toward them when you make eye contact.
  • Don't worry about blushing. You can't control when you blush anyway, but if you find yourself doing it around him or her, just go with it. In a way, a blush is a useful signal to the other person letting them know how you feel - so let it do its work!
  • Wink. If you can manage it, try to throw him or her a sly wink every now and then. Don't do it too often - no more than once every few days.