How Do I Make Her Want Me Again? 

                                                              3 Things That You Have to Do

Here are three things that you have to do if you want her to want you again:

1. You have to make her feel like she is not being forced to get back together with you.
Some guys get this wrong without even meaning to make their ex girlfriend feel like they are trying to force her to come back. What they do is, they end up making her feel like they are laying on the guilt trip really thick and when you do that, it IS going to make her feel like you are trying to force her to come back to you. Lay off of the guilt trips, because guilt doesn't work so well if you want to make an ex girlfriend want to be with you again.

2. You have to find a way to give her the feeling like love is in the air when she is around you.
You know that feeling when you first met your girlfriend and you knew that there was a feeling of love in the air when you and her were together? That kind of feeling is hard to resist and that is exactly the feeling that you want to give your ex girlfriend when she is around you. If she feels that way, getting her back is going to be so much easier than you ever imagined it would be.

3. You have to be able to give her space when she needs it.
Your ex girlfriend is probably going to go through moments where it seems like she is pulling back from you even if you are doing everything the way that you should be to win her back. When that happens, you need to give her space so that she feels like she is being allowed to be independent of you.

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