Get Her Back From The Other Guy

By Johnny Clark

Being patient when trying to get back together with your girlfriend is difficult. There's no question about it. You worry that someone else is going to come along and scoop her up, if that isn't the case already. You worry that she's going to forget about you.

You worry that she's going to get used to living her life without you. But even more, you just worry that the window of opportunity is closing so you're frantic to find a solution to your problem and get her back as soon as possible.

Since you're broken up right now, chances are that you haven't been yourself for some time. During the time leading up to the breakup and after your breakup you have probably been acting a little strange. Maybe you were so desperate to save your relationship that you acted a little crazy.

For instance, you have probably thought long and hard about this. You want to make things right again between you and your girlfriend so you do what comes naturally. That means that you try apologizing at first. You may even mean it. You promise to change. You promise to never do whatever it was that you think caused your breakup or you promise to always do whatever it was that you didn't do that caused your breakup.

Meanwhile, your competition took advantage of the situation. He probably didn't have to do a whole lot other than listen to your girlfriend to build a connection and bond with her. All he had to do was listen to her talk and be supportive of her. She felt safe with him and protected. There was no drama and he probably was able to make her laugh and feel good about herself with very little effort.

Next, remember that actions mean everything and words mean almost nothing to a woman. You can talk all day long about what you're going to do with your life. She will be filled with doubt and be telling herself that it will never happen. On the other hand, improving yourself in various areas of your life such as your physique, eating habits, appearance, social status or career without talking about it, speaks volumes. Do something great with your life that you always dreamed of and then let her find out about it. Actions speak louder than words to a woman.

A real plan to get your girlfriend back should be based upon female psychology and what a woman needs to feel in order to overcome the biggest hurdle that confronts you right now which is the fact that she broke up with you. She has told all of her friends and family that she is done with you. That is going to be a big obstacle to overcome so you're going to have to speak to her emotions. Her decision is going to have to be an emotional one. She is going to have to want you more than she might be embarassed to tell everyone that she is getting back together with you.

It certainly is possible to win her back by hitting her emotional hot buttons. It's might not be easy for you but it is rather simple. Like many things in life, it's only when we really care that things get difficult. If you didn't care about her and love her then it would be a piece of cake to win her over. Your heart is involved though. You want things to work out so it's important that you have a well laid out plan that is bomb proof and effective.

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