Evangelism And Fashion With Christian Bibs

By Joanna Walsh

It is the duty of a Christian to ensure that others hear the good news of salvation. There are many ways to do this and in these modern, fast paced times people have found varying ways to deliver the message of salvation. One such method is through messages inscribed on clothing. Christian bibs are one type of clothing that represent a great for achieving this objective.

The effectiveness of a baby's bib as a message sharer cannot be ignored. People generally love babies and tend to gravitate towards them. The statements written on their cute little onesies ans shirts are bound to be noticed by those who drool over them daily.

Christians believe that all life comes from God and this is one idea that is often seen on the bibs worn by newborn and toddlers. The baby apparel pieces are sometimes adorned by beautifully written statements about children as God's gift. Sometimes the scripture verses that illustrate the concept are used.

Sometimes the messages can be more serious though. These more serious messages are those that call for repentance and acceptance of the faith. Christians take the task of guiding other souls to salvation seriously and as such are not averse to using more serious messages on babies' clothing to do this.

Members of this faith are just as fashion conscious as others and the makers of these baby clothing items are well aware of this. This is why they ensure that they have bib catalogs that comprise a wide variety of designs available for clients to browse. Fashionable items in this category may include a bib shaped like Noah's Ark for instance or one designed to imitate the shape of the whale from the story of Jonah.

A sense of humor is not a foreign concept to Christians and this is revealed in some of the statements and images that appear on the clothing worn by babies born into the faith. The cute humorous statements are often inscribed on them often illicit a chuckle or two from those who see them. A bib that has a funny Bible themed image or statement is a creative means of gently transmitting the message of salvation.

Sometimes a bib may seem so unique that people wonder if it was custom created. The fact is that sometimes this is precisely the case. Some purchasers, whether they be parents or gift buyers, adjust a plain bib using embroidery or fabric paint. Sometimes the customization is done by the bib maker at the request of the client.

The task of spreading the good news of salvation is one that is assigned to all Christians. This is why members of the faith try so many innovative means of letting others become more aware of the gospel. Christian mothers and fathers are playing their role in telling others about Christ through the use of the clothing in which they dress their babies.

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