A Romance With A Hint Of Madness

By Evan Sanders

Touch me.

I am the side of you that begs to come out. I am the darkness within you. I am those deep dark colors that challenge your heart.

So touch me.

You will learn so many things about yourself if you walk down the stairs to fine me...

The deep dwellings within your heart.

So touch me. Love me. Hold me tight.

I will a depth to your life that you've never had before. I will bring out chaos in your soul but also a harmony as well. I will bring out pains in you but...

I will also give you a chance to heal them. I will give you a chance to pull together those scars and finally heal those wounds you've been holding for such a long time.

I will scare you. I will cause you to shake in your boots with fear. I will make you want to run, but if you stay, you will be stronger than you have ever been before. I will show you great beauty in your depths. I will show you the strength in your scars.

I will show you things you've only dreamed of...the thoughts that dance in and out of your mind as you shut your eyes. But you must first touch me. You must first decide that you're going to be with me.

I am your darkness. I am your shadow.

The light always needs some dark. The light needs something to contrast against.

If all we see is light, we eventually get used to the light.

Let me in. Let me show you the way. I will show you things you've only dreamed of.

And like with anything real...there's a good amount of madness in it.

The greatest journey begins in not a step forward, but the opening up of the ground underneath you and a falling into something that will bring magic out of your being.

So touch me now...

I will change you forever.

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