How To Keep Him Interested

By Harold Rehm

Why is it that a woman who seems to have it all - good looks, a successful career and great friends - can have trouble achieving a good relationship with a man? It doesn't seem to make any sense on the surface. She is kind and considerate; she is available to him whenever he calls and understanding when he has to break a date. She cooks him gourmet meals and buys him little gifts.Unless you are adept at decoding male psychology, it is hard to figure out how such a woman can't seem to hold a man's interest. She seems to do everything right yet her relationships always seem to fail. What is she doing wrong?

Telling him you love him is a good idea, just not ten times a day. Instead show him how much you appreciate him by rewarding him when he does something you like. If he comes home early to see you, cook him a great dinner, and if he takes you somewhere special for the weekend, buy him a couple of baseball tickets for his favourite team to say thank you.

In addition to wanting to be the pursuer, men look for a little mystery and intrigue in a woman that interests them. Don't be too forthcoming with all the details of your life. Let him find out gradually what kind of person you are.Dress and act a little sexy and provocative. Tease him a little and show him what a fun person you can be and he'll soon be coming back for more.Be sure to continue to pursue your own interests and keep up with your friends. Let him know you have a full, rich life of your own and are a confident, self-sufficient woman. Decoding male psychology and acting accordingly with go a long way toward building a lasting relationship with a man.

Another way on how to keep him interested in you is by showing a guy you are confident. Men don't like women who are desperate, sneaky and needy. Men consider these women with such qualities as high maintenance. For most men, these kinds of women are hard to live with and are usually hard to please and build relationship with. And most of the time, they only stay with these kinds of women because they feel obliged or they are being manipulated. Therefore, be sure to make your man realize that you are a confident woman.

Third, tell him important facts about you, but leave a little information to be a mystery. Whilst it is important to let him learn more facts about you, it will also be very favorable for you if you leave a little mystery. From time to time, let him ask questions about you. Don't just blurt out everything. If you do this, you'll increase his curiosity and you can be sure that he will turn his attention on you and will eventually stay with you much longer.

In the case of women, our love grows more when we're with our partner. The one thing a woman has to accept is that men deal with things differently but still have practically the same result. When the Roman poet Sextus Propertius first penned the phrase "absence makes the heart grow fonder" in his Elegies, he was most probably referring to how men deal with romance. Let him miss you! Another thing: show dependence but not too much though. Most men like the feeling of control or the semblance of it. By showing that you rely on him for security for example means a lot.

And finally, make sure that your date or your man doesn't get bored while the two of you are together. So enjoy your time with him and make him enjoy his time with you. You can do this by learning how to throw jokes every now and then. While it is mostly guys who try to make their women laugh, it will also be very advantageous for you if you are able to make him laugh as well.

If you are wondering why making a guy laugh and have fun is advantageous for you, then here are your answers. First of all, if you make a man laugh, he will feel more at ease whenever he's with you. Thus, this will encourage him to be more open to you. Secondly, if you can make a guy laugh and he feels good while you are around, he will be more likely want to spend more time with you. And whenever you're not around, he will begin to miss your company.

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