Humble Prayers For Military Personnel

By Celina Heath

Lord God up in heaven, this devotional prayers for military personnel is to ask that you give them the gift of wisdom so that they may be wise in the darkest of hours. Provide the president with a clear mind to think about the safety of the security team of the State, their families and the nation. Let their struggles prevail into an honorable victory and conquer over their enemies by this command.

Honor and praises will always be given to you, forever shall you be mighty and your servants too. Guide the security panel onto a new day of happiness and not sorrow, feasting and not morning, harvesting and not drought, love and not hate for with you Lord the impossible becomes possible. God Lord who commands the mountains and sea to move, Father in heaven please protect our military personnel.

Oh Lord the giver and protector you are gracious and merciful to us your people. Our Savior and creator of human beings may your name be praised and adorned in this world and the next. Let the world hear and know that you are a powerful and fearful God that stands by its country and people.

The God that we serve and pray to, please bring back our military personnel back home and let us all rejoice in the power of your strength and might. The healer of our hearts and bruises may your power multiply, may we enjoy in the warmth of our blessings. Our fighter and provider even at our darkest hour, fight for your country and people like your servant Joseph.

We fight in the honor of your name and your word, and forever will your name be exalted. Forever shall your kingdom reign and always, through you God we get to see the wonderful side of life. Assist your servants wherever they are and let them be aware of your presence and might.

Let them know patience for it the greatest weapon that can be given onto them. Give them wisdom that they will use throughout their serving time and beyond. Give them the strength that they need to effectively complete their mission and forever will they praise you for your good deeds and kindness that you have shown onto them.

Lord we thank you for their lives and where they have reached in it. If it was not for your will they would not have lived to see today and many more days ahead. We thank you for the blessings that have been showered upon them and with you they shall never walk with fear again.

In our Passionate prayers for military personnel, we ask that you shield our military personnel from harm and pain wherever they are. May their efforts bring about peace and victory and let other people know of your might. We do pray that our military personnel do have a quick and blessed recovery in case of any injury and the strength to help them face fear and return home safely; we do pray and trust in you our Lord God Amen.

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