How Science Explains The Effectiveness Of Angel Energy Healing

By Tiffany Gill

The idea of energy is very difficult to explain. A scientist was even called as crazy because of his attempt to investigate the factors of it. He came up with a scientific formula because of this and so he won a Nobel prize for such. But still the formula does not give any absolution because its purpose is to let everyone know that it has no absolution. And so mass and energy are just equal and does not differ in any way.

That theory of relativity says that there is no absolution in everything, that time and space are bonded by different variations and mass and energy are equal variables. Energies may present in different ways, either any forms of matter or any forms of non matter. Forms of non matters includes radioactive wave, laser light and beams, sound waves and any other forms of energies that cannot appear in our naked eyes.

This is to say that it is unavoidable. You can yourself is made out of different forms of energies. And everyday our body is exposed from a lot of outer powers that are both harmful and beneficial for our whole being. Mostly can be seen that is why we can avoid them, mostly can be heard and serves us as our trigger and some can be detected by our other senses. This is why we can really say that it exists.

According to the scientists, power can be measured even if some of them cannot be seen. They made specific apparatus and softwares to detect and measure unseen waves. But the one used for healing by most shamans does not have any other corresponding instrument that can measure but the human body, our body.

Our physical outlook is not our whole being, our humanity has a lot of parts aside from physical, we also have the etheric, mental, emotional, and astral. These parts produces varied types of powers that would affect one two or more parts of our being.

You have already heard about chakras way back from the history of native americans and sometimes being represented as powerful weapons in animated shows. Yes, their representation is possible. This is because chakras are the hard drives of our body. This is where we store different types of power, these energies will be considered memories and these memories will be kept permanently or temporarily.

If one of the chakras will be overloaded or underloaded, this would cause the person to feel any kind of sickness. Either literal or any other kind of sickness that cannot be cured by a medicine such as obsession. And those who are into alternative medicine, they attack the imbalance chakra to heal the affected.

By loving oneself and everything that surrounds you, this would keep your chakras balanced. By controlling your life or the life of others, it will do the opposite. Just leave everything to the God that you believed and then everything will just pass thru.

Nowadays there are still people who keeps on working with chakras. They are now already civilized opposed to the cliches of our society. They are now like doctors that practice their craft legally and there are even energy techniques like hypnosis that is already accepted by the hospital. Angel energy healing can really cure a person as long as he believes in it.

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