Make Your Man Pay Attention

By Olivia Rostigus

Some people face volatile relationships on a day to day basis. Nothing could be harder than constantly dealing with living in an unstable situation. Then it goes cold and the communication ends. What is next?

Women tend to be more emotionally driving than men which can lead to a huge communication problem if not dealt with before the relationship comes to an end. There are ways of dealing with these problems before they get out of hand.

So, what really went wrong? Usually, when the infatuation stage ends and the glitz of the relationship goes away, people become more of themselves and reality sets in. This is when reality takes hold and possible power struggles begin.

Is there someone else that he did not tell her about? That is usually the first thing that women think of when he stops seeing her for no apparent reason. But that is not always what is really happening.

This is when she tries to make contact and he doesn't answer, at least right away. Distress sets in because she is run by emotion. So, she keeps trying to make contact and when he doesn't answer, she feels it may be over and doesn't know why. Maybe it is and maybe it isn't over.

This is the point where women need to pull back and assess the reality of the situation before making any more moves at all. Usually, they have been the one initiating the calls/texts and when they suddenly stop, fear sets in that he's gone. They need to take a huge break from this in a big way.

It is time to pull back and reverse the power. In other words, let him do the chasing. It can be accomplished, if he is ignored. Men hate when they are not getting the responses they expect.

- At this point, let him do the contacting

- Go back to your old life and socialize for a while

- Don't respond right away with calls or texts

- Don't sit sit by the phone

- Go into stealth mode

Be in charge of your contact with him. In other words, you decide when to respond by making him chase you. You don't want to appear needy by being the happy puppy at the door just waiting for only him. This will cause him to increase his efforts toward you.

When he pulls back, you need to pull back farther during this time period. This will be his wake up call that you are not just sitting around waiting for him. Get busy, make plans and go out and have a good time with friends and co-workers. He needs to learn to plan ahead to spend time with you.

Smart women know how to catch and keep men. The number one rule is to let him do the pursuing and to make him think you don't need him. That will not only peak his interest but make him charge after his challenge.

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