Winning Your Ex Back With Happiness

By Alexandra Peterson

Going through a breakup can be emotionally devastating. Being rejected by someone that probably promised to love you forever strikes to the core of your being. Your ego and self-worth can be damaged so much that you might feel like you will never recover. You feel as if the only thing that will cure you of this malady would be for your ex to come back to you. If the love that you once shared was restored then your heart would be instantly healed. You search for a way to bring your ex back but the dream is dying. You feel like your ex very well might be gone forever. What can you do to ease the pain and eventually attract the love of your life back to you again?

Being happy might seem impossible at times but it is the golden key to changing how your ex thinks and feels about you. If you are serious about making your ex fall in love with you again then happiness is a necessary trait that you must embrace. Pushing the pain aside and being happy doesn't mean that you don't still love your ex. No matter what your instincts might be telling you, your ex will not forget about you or be offended if you aren't an emotional wreck the next time they see you. You are not giving up on the dream of getting back together with the love of your life. You are not betraying that love by living again.

It's understandable that you might fear letting go of the pain from your breakup. The truth is that it is not serving you in any way. You are not benefiting in any manner from the sadness and depression and your ex will not be impressed if they see you being emotional. Human psychology shows us that people are attracted to others who are happy, full of life and emotionally strong. We all avoid people who are sad, depressed and emotional. If you want to become attractive to your ex again, you must change your attitude and become more positive, optimistic and happy about life.

Being happy might be difficult at first. Your life has been turned upside down. You have lost the person that you used to laugh with and joke with. By forcing yourself to be happy and to think positive thoughts you will start to get into the habit of being happy. Think about yourself for a while and go out of your way to make time to make yourself laugh and be happy. If there is a favorite food that brings you pleasure, indulge in that food as a treat. Maybe you adore ice cream or lobster. Make a meal of your favorite foods and feel the love that you have for yourself blossom. Get out of the house and be around people. People in public can be funny. Experience life again. For a quick happiness fix, watch a funny movie or video that makes you giggle. The important thing is that you laugh every day.

On a grander scale, think about the possibilities that are now present in your life now that you're single again for a short while. What have you always wanted to do but couldn't because you were in a relationship? Maybe you wanted to go back to school or obtain your pilot's license. Perhaps you always wanted to travel or go on a cruise. Let your mind wander and think of something great you can do with your life. You're not moving on without your ex. You're building the kind of life that your ex is going to find interesting and fun. Soon your ex will become interested in what is going on in your life and they will come back around like a curious cat.

To take care of that power that your ex might have over your heart, you should keep your mind open to the fact that there are many other people on the face of this wonderful planet who would love to date you. There are many attractive people who are seeking someone just like you to spend time with. Go for a walk at the park, look around at your work and peruse dating websites just to open your mind to this possibility. You might not feel like dating anyone and you might not want to deal with starting over with someone new but simply seeing that you do have options will removed that desperation that you're feeling. Seeing a photo of someone that you find attractive and knowing that this possibility of spending time with someone attractive will remove that need to be with your ex and replace it with a simple desire which is much more attractive to your ex.

Often the loneliness that comes in the wake of a breakup can be difficult to deal with. Keeping yourself busy, happy and always dreaming about the future can help to make time pass more quickly. These methods should help you to rebuild your life, your self-esteem and make you begin to dream and plan for a better life. You are lovable. You deserve to be happy and remember that people are attracted to happy people who have an interesting life. By appearing to move on and rebuild your life without your ex you will actually attract your ex back to you. Be happy today and perhaps you will get your ex back tomorrow.

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