Unlucky in Love? Think Again! The REAL Reason Women Don't Meet Their Soulmate (Weird But True)

How come he doesn't love me as much as I love him? Why do I keep finding myself at the bottom of the totem pole of priorities in EVERY relationship I'm in? Why does every relationship that starts out so well... end so badly? Why can't I get lucky in love? Is it me... is it fate or karma, or do I just NOT know how to pick the perfect man for me?

Any of these questions sound familiar? If you are anything like the hundreds of thousands of women who ask us questions about love, romance and relationship each and every year, the truth is, you are in good company.

As emotional intuitives and relationship empaths with a decade of experience in the love, romance and relationship niche, there is no more common question than - "what went WRONG... and why does this ALWAYS happen to me?"

The truth is, you are NOT unlucky in love.

As a matter of fact, I don't care how many bad relationships you have had, or how many times "true love" seems to have come, stayed a while and then moved on.

I don't believe that luck has anything to do with it.

Here is the spiritual secret to finding TRUE and everlasting love.

Each of us has a love karma.

A spiritual soulmate... and a karma of connection.

The ONE truth I've seen over and over again reading thousands of couples... be it with one partner or both is THIS:

The relationships that endure for a lifetime, are predicated on a spiritual connection that transcends what the vast majority of women look for "on paper", and this is the biggest reason why so many of us end up dumped, dejected and disappointed with the relationships we pick.

Don't believe me?
Consider this:

In a major survey done in 2012 of couples married for 10 years or more, over 65% of the men and women privately admitted that if they had to choose over again... they'd choose a different partner!
What was really telling to ME as an emotional empath and spiritual intuitive was the list of criteria that the couples selected as important to picking their soulmate when they got married.

#1 Future Financial stability
#2 Attractiveness
#3 Friends in Common/Social Status
Of course, 10 years later... when attractiveness is no longer so important and many of your friends have changed, and money is no longer the most important issue, millions of couples find themselves with nothing in common (other than kids and comfort).

Here is our challenge to you:

Start looking for true love in unusual places. Not out there. Instead, look within yourself first. Explore your own passion and purpose and sense of who you are, what you are here to do and what you want tour legacy to be.
Start there.
And then pursue THAT.
Because when you do... and your intentions are aligned with serving something bigger and bolder than yourself, the universe always finds a strange but special way to give you what, and WHO you need to make that dream a reality (and THAT is the secret to a true karmic connection - and it often happens when you expect it least!).

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Angela_Zoile

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