Will I Ever Find True Love?

"Will I ever find true love?" This is a question I and many of the people I help have wondered over the years. The answer depends on your definition of find, true, and love--plus, how dedicated you are to getting those things things (and of course how cynical you are about finding those things!). And I don't mean this in a pedantic way, nor in a rude way, but rather as a segue into teaching you about the law of attraction.

So, what is the law of attraction? It's the idea that like things attract like things. Of course there's more to it than that, but let's leave it at that for now.

What does that have to do with the definition of find, true, and love? And how cynical you are?
Well, the law of attraction can help you to find true love because studying it and using it in your life will allow you to attract things to you including a new lover. And the better you are at the process, the better results you'll get.

But better than that, the law will force you to clarify what you want in a lover. In other words, it'll force you to understand what true love looks like for you and allow you to make modifications if you want. I'd be willing to bet that you right now don't have a list of criteria for your true love. You have an idea, sure, but what exactly do you want? You may be surprised with the results of this as I was when I realized an acquaintance I didn't like much was actually about 96% of what I was looking for in a girlfriend (yes, my intuition was that misaligned--you have to start somewhere!). Though, your results will tell you something specific to your journey.

The law of attraction also helps on the journey to find true love because it forces you to overcome the mental, emotional, and action-based blocks holding you back from having the love of your life (and ultimately from loving yourself). Ever seen a guy or girl you just had to talk to, but you couldn't make yourself because of a litany of self-complaints... ? If you deal with those issues, you no longer have that problem.

And finally, what about cynicism? Well, if you've followed so far, you've noticed that if like attracts like, then if you think negatively about everything all the time, you're very likely to have negative experiences. And if you are or have a friend that thinks "everything sucks" (not realizing the benefits of such things), you've seen that attitude rip the joy from everything and ruin everyone's time. So, honestly, who wants to be around that? It's probably going to harm your chances at love to be negative all the time. The law asks you to keep your mind state positive so you're more open to possibility and success. (As if you needed one more reason to checkout the law of attraction and how it can help you attract the love of your life... )

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joshua_Howard

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